  • Circinaria leprosescens (Sandst.) A.Nordin, Savi? & Tibell
Circinaria leprosescens
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(Map updated: 11 August 2009)

This grey, grizzly-looking crustose species with a cracked thallus (specimens to well over 10cm wide) colonises, nutrient- or bird-enriched, siliceous rock cliff sites close to the sea. Easily overlooked as ‘poor material’ the crusts carry discs which are contorted and sometimes hidden by the sickly appearance of the thallus. It is relatively frequent in suitable habitats in Ireland.

Key characteristics

  • The scurfy appearance of the surface of this species caused by the presence of small, plate-like growths of thallus (schizidia) indicates this species
  • It is rarely fertile; spot tests are K-, C- and Pd-.

NBN Atlas mapping: Species account : NBN Atlas UK Species Observations database

iNaturalist: Species account : iNaturalist World Species Observations database

Original text submitted by Simon Davey

 Simon Davey, (2016). Circinaria leprosescens (Sandst.) A.Nordin, Savi? & Tibell. [In] LichenIreland. Accessed on 2024-12-08.